On April 24th the World Awareness Club will be hosting a Gaming Competition between grades 6-12th at around 8 A.M. The ending time will be determinant on the amount of people that sign up.
Instructions to Sign Up: To play in the competition, a player must assemble into groups of 5 where each will play one of the 5 selected games, Overwatch*, Fortnite, Rocket League, Minceraft Egg Wars, and Among Us. After you have decided your group and who will play which game, then sign up on SMART for Charters for the price given. Once you and your entire team have signed up on SMART for Charters, send us an email with three important things, your team name, your team's members, and your team members' games. Make sure it is clear that each of the 5 members are assigned to each of the 5 games.
After we get the email, we will send a link through the app "Discord" where you the tournament will be hosted. Instructions for how the competition will work will be listed in the discord. Keep in mind that the winning groups will be based on placement in normal games.
At the end of the competition, the winning team will take 25% of the funds. The remaining 75% will be given to the IRC or Save the Uighurs. Both fight against the Uighur Genocide in China.
*Overwatch and Fortnite are both ages 12 and up, so if you are younger than that but would like to play in those games, then shoot us an email and we will get you a permission slip.