Shaheer Rehman: "The Effect of Climate Change on our Environment"
The effect of climate change is also not felt in just one place but all over the world with varying levels of harshness. One example of climate change affecting the environment is when emissions break the ozone layer which causes light to penetrate through the ozone layer which melts ice caps turning it into water which causes sea levels to rise which leads to floods happening in cities. Some key cities which are affected by a rise in sea level due to climate change in the US are New York City, Philadelphia, Houston, Baltimore, and Miami.
Another horrible effect of climate change is pollution in the air. Pollution in the air is caused by particles being suspended in the air such as gas particles. These particles can come from car and truck exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, and volcanoes and wildfires. Also the burning of fossil fuels can contribute to the air pollution. The effects of air pollution can be serious to both humans and the environment. One of the main effects on the environment by air pollution is the damaging of crops and trees in many ways. Some of these ways being reduced growth and survivability of tree seedlings and trees and crops more easily affected by diseases, pests, and other environmental stresses.
Jai Krishnan: "Effects of Climate Change on Human Health"
Climate change has a massive effect on human health in many ways, a few being heat stress, poor air quality, and gastrointestinal diseases. Heat stress is harmful to human health because it tires the human body faster and reduces labor output. According to The Rockefeller Foundation, “Climate change is causing temperatures to increase around the globe, and leading to an increase in the number of hot days and nights.” Poor air quality is caused by increasing temperatures. When temperatures increase, there is an increase in the harmful allergens in the air, making the air harder to breathe. Poor air quality is detrimental to human health because it leads to reduced lung function and breathing problems. In addition to this, it increases the risk of stroke. Another effect of climate change on human health is the increased risk of GI diseases. Bacterial diseases tend to increase in foods during higher temperatures, causing harm to the elderly and the youth.
Andrew Kang: "Why Climate Change Happens"
A real problem that everyone experiences around the world is climate change. Various things cause climate change such as pollution from greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. Factories, energy, transportation, and agriculture are responsible for a considerable increase in the amount of climate change. Factories and automobiles use fossil fuels such as coal and crude oil in order to produce their products. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide also promote an increase in climate change by absorbing infrared radiation. Another example, as stated previously, is the agricultural sector. As the sector releases greenhouse gases caused by food provisioning, significant amounts of methane and nitrous acid are released which increases the temperature of the world. Greenhouse gases are created in our daily lives by driving our cars, heating our homes up, and eating which all release carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas.
Ashton Dolce: "The Effects of Climate Change on our Economy"
The economic impacts of climate change are widespread, but have far greater effects on the U.S. The Fourth National Climate Assignment explains that the U.S economy could be severely disrupted by climate change due to warming temperatures, rising sea levels, and the devastating effects of extreme weather on infrastructure, human health, and many economic sectors. As State of the Planet explains, the greater demand of energy caused by the effects of climate change and the shortage of resources will put stress on the system. Martinich finds that if the U.S were to continue on its dangerous path towards a climate crisis, then there would be a cost of 520 billion on just 22 economic sectors. The societal effects are also devastating. According to The World Bank, by 2030, climate change could push 100 million people into extreme poverty.
There are many different ways to prevent a climate catastrophe starting with a carbon tax. With a carbon tax, companies must pay for the amount of carbon they emit, so companies slowly start to use renewable energies to cut down on costs. The British Government alongside Nicholas Stern, a world renowned economist found that we will need to invest 2% of the world’s GDP to prevent the effects of climate change. Although the future may not look bright, iberdrola finds that many of the measures taken for combating climate change will provide a golden opportunity for economic growth and sustainable development. In the U.S alone 65 million jobs could be produced with ambitious climate policy.
Yousef Khalifa: "How has COVID-19 effected the Climate" "Climate Policy"
As you may know, Covid-19 is a very highly contagious disease. The covid-19 pandemic has caused most people around the world to stay home for long periods of time affecting their everyday lives such as jobs and schools. As a result of people staying home, transportation use and industrial activity, the number one cause of pollution, have decreased dramatically. Which was great for our environment. Airlines around the world have stopped travel when the pandemic first hit which lowered carbon emissions by 2-3 percent. This is not all a positive issue for our world. Pollution has still not had a dramatic decrease due to the fact that with an ongoing pandemic, plastic items such as gloves and masks are being produced and distributed to the point where it is in most households. This leads to the cause of mass littering all across the world of more plastic. Another factor that has caused more pollution for our environment due to Covid 19 is that most people today are ordering more packages than usual from the comfort of their home since we are not allowed to go to many public places. This causes more pollution of packages, boxes, and plastic bags. All in all, Covid-19 has affected our climate in a positive and negative way.